Today, December 1, marks the first Sunday in Advent. It also is World AIDS day. Sadly I had forgotten this important day of remembrance and it wasn't until Starbucks offered me a 1/2 price espresso drink that I was reminded. I'll be headed to our Calendar to add this recurring event so taht next year we can include it in our service.
As most of you know, HIV/AIDS was originally called GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) and later changed to Acquired Immune Deficiency when it was realized, rather early on, that the infection was not limited to gay men. As horrifying as it was in our first understanding it is even more devastating as it exists today, ravaging communities in the third world and in "developed" countries where repression is still the norm.
"Silence = Death" was the slogan used by early activists to urge those infected to overcome the stigma and speak out to seek diagnosis and treatment. Today HIV/AIDS is more under control in the gay community because of wider acceptance of gay and lesbian Americans. But Silence still equals death in areas where oppression is still alive. In many parts of Africa the church is at least a complicit, if not an active, part of in this oppression. The shunning of the use of condoms has caused the death of countless thousands of men and women. It might be worth remembering, as we listen to the controversy around Russia's anti-gay laws surround the upcoming Winter Olympics, that this state sanctioned gag order on homosexuals and their allies is not without victims.
As we wait for the birth of our Lord this advent, let us also wait for the day that His church will speak up and speak out against homophobia around the world. As Mother Dahn said today, let us crack open those shields and let our light shine. Silence still equals death.
- Neil Houghton, Advent 1, 2013
Suggested link: Life Magazine's Photo That Changed the Face of AIDS, behind the scenes
Sunday, December 1, 2013
December 2013 - Newsletter
St. John’s Episcopal Church
11 Episcopal Ave.
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
The Rev’d Dahn Dean Gandell, Rector; The Rev’d John A Andrews, Priest Associate
Web: e-mail:
December, 2013 Newsletter

My Beloved St. John’s Family-
Thank you for the gift of being your rector/priest/friend for the past twelve years. This will be my thirteenth and final Advent and Christmas Eve celebration with you. You’ve heard me say before: “Change is inevitable; Growth is optional.” Being with you has changed me and I have grown in ways I never could have imagined. I have gotten brave about world travel! When David wanted me to go to Micronesia with him for the first time in 2007, I was terrified. I remember preaching what I thought might be my final sermon before my trip half way around the world. And the main thing I wanted you to know was that I loved you and God loved you and whatever happened, it would be alright. God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good. Since then, we’ve gone back to Palau, Micronesia four times, and I’ve done four pilgrimages to Tanzania, one to France, and one to India. I have seen the face of God in ways that have expanded my understanding of God and my faith in people. And I am compelled to do as much as I can to make the world a better place by seeking and serving Christ in all people and respecting the dignity of every human being.
Thank you for loving my children. It’s difficult to believe that Lily and Hannah were one and two when we came here! David was amazing in his willingness to provide nursery service when no one else was available so that I could officiate at the Sunday morning services. The girls have made life-long friends with the youth here and they look forward to continuing that friendship. David has enjoyed singing with the choir and serving as lector and chalice bearer. When we brought Madie into our family, you adopted her into the St. John’s family as well. God bless you all for that. We ARE all brothers and sisters in Christ and I hope that going forward you will treat all visitors with the same warmth and welcome.
For the ways I have disappointed you, I ask your forgiveness. For the things I have done well, I give thanks to God. I hope that everyone will attend the services in December—the auction this Sunday (I’m auctioning off office memorabilia and furniture and rugs!) will be lots of fun, + Prince’s visitation is Decem-ber 15, and Christmas Eve services at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. will be beautiful as always. Christmas Pageant at 7 and midnight mass at 10, WITH INCENSE. December 29 is my final Sunday with a celebration luncheon to follow. All are welcome! I love you, God loves you, and whatever happens, it will be alright.
When I end my pastoral relationship with you, I don’t end my friendship with you! I just won’t get involved in leadership issues at St. John’s or pastoral issues. You will need to establish relationships with your new priest and the best way to do that is to be yourselves and let yourselves be open to the new opportunities that lie ahead. We’ve had an amazing run together. I have been incredibly blessed. I wish God’s blessings on each and every one of you. Stick together. Love each other. Be great and commit to making everyone around you great. Don’t settle. Have a fabulous Advent Season! The best is yet to come!
Peace and Namaste,
Repairs – Rand House windows have been replaced. This was necessary for lead abatement, and lower heating bills may be a bonus.
Fencing – Deckman Oil is expanding their redwood fence along the St. John’s property line and will plant arborvitaes along it on the church side.
FINANCIAL: Income $ 5,398.06
November summary: Less Expenses 6,599.97
Net Income/(Loss) (1,201.91)
The detailed monthly Income/Expense Report is posted on the entrance bulletin board of the church. Please try to drop off or mail your pledge amounts whether or not you are attending Sundays, and submit your 2014 pledge cards so that the budget can be completed. Remember to save your HF & Mendon Meadows Marketplace receipts and drop off in the jar at the back of the church. When purchasing items for the church, please first get a tax-exempt form from the office. Every little bit saved adds up and helps our budget.
NEXT VESTRY MEETING is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10th in Rand House.
The St. John’s Youth attended a Mennonite church service on November 17, with a luncheon following.
They will be doing bell-ringing at Eastview Mall on Friday, December 6.
The early Christmas Eve service (7 pm) will include their Christmas pageant.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 will be the Christmas Eve services:
7 pm, Youth Group pageant;
10 pm, traditional candlelight service with incense, Mother Dahn presiding.
Christmas Day service (Wednesday) will be 10:00 a.m.
ALTAR GUILD WOMEN will be decorating the church following the December 22nd service. Please bring any new ideas! See Bev Smith for details.
CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS from parishioner ANDY SMITH: “Christmas is two things, really. First, it’s the recognition of a birth a couple of thousand years ago of a baby who grew into someone who would bring many millions of people together in peace and good will. The tragic, human side of that is that his name has also been misused to divide and breed hatred toward those with different beliefs. Christmas is also one’s own experience and sharing of the celebration through traditions of trees and wreaths and lights and song and food and service, the better side of humankind. Merry Christmas and a good day to all. Andy.”
HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS – The church office will be closed for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays: Tuesday, December 24 through Wednesday, January 1. The office will reopen Thursday, January 2nd.
ADVENT 1 - December 1
Crucifer/Torches: Hannah Gandell/ David Lamphier, Lily Gandell
Greeters: Robb Young/Mark Donahoe
Chalice Bearer Lectors 1 & 2: Deb Shafer/Hannah Gandell
Prayers of the People: Mary Jo Smith
Coffee Hour: TBD
ADVENT 2 - December 8
Crucifer/Torches: David Lamphier/ Mary Lamphier, Brandon Shafer
Greeters: Judy Haravitch/Yeates Conwell
Chalice Bearer Lectors 1 & 2: Catherine Faurot/Allan Shafer
Prayers of the People: Neil Houghton
Coffee Hour: Silent Auction
ADVENT 3 - December 15
Crucifer/Torches: Madie Gandell/ Cyndy Lamphier, Lily Gandell
Greeters: Judy Reinhard/Mark Gooding
Chalice Bearer Lectors 1 & 2: Robb Young/Deb Shafer
Prayers of the People: Cyndy Lamphier
Coffee Hour: Bishop Singh Luncheon
ADVENT 4 - December 22
Crucifer/Torches: Hannah Gandell/Madie Gandell/ Mary Jo Smith
Greeters: Anna Young/Gina Hurley
Chalice Bearer Lectors 1 & 2: David Lamphier/Hannah Gandell
Prayers of the People: Allene Baillargeon
Coffee Hour: TBD
CHRISTMAS EVE - December 24
Crucifer/Torches: Brandon Shafer & Lucas Smith/
Hannah, Lily and Madie Gandell, Mary Lamphier
Greeters: Robb Young/Mark Donahoe Andy Smith (late)
Chalice Bearer Lectors 1 & 2: Robb Young/Mary Jo Smith
Prayers of the People: Allan Shafer
CHRISTMAS DAY - December 25
Crucifer/Torches: TBD
Greeters: Judy Haravitch/Yeates Conwell
Chalice Bearer Lectors 1 & 2: Bev Smith
Prayers of the People: Bev Smith
CHRISTMAS 1 - December 29
Crucifer/Torches: Bev Smith/Mary Jo Smith, Cyndy Lamphier
Greeters: Judy Reinhard/Mark Gooding
Chalice Bearer Lectors 1 & 2: Mary Jo Smith/Bev Smith
Prayers of the People: Catherine Faurot
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Bishop is Coming! The Bishop is Coming!
On December 15th Bishop Singh will make his annual visit to St. John's. If you or anyone you know wished to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church or received from another denomination, please see Mother Dahn.
Presiding Bishop Visits Diocesan Convention 11/8-9
Every Sunday we pray for Katharine, or more precisely The Most Rev, Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.
Next weekend you will have a chance to see, hear and interact with her. As a part of the 82nd Diocesan Convention she will lead a panel discussion on youth and violence starting at 6:00 PM on Friday November 8. On Saturday she will preach at the convention Eucharist at 9:30 AM. Both of these are open to the public and you are encouraged to attend.
This year's convention will be held at Asbury First Methodist Church, 1050 East Ave. Visit the convention website for information on events and parking.
Next weekend you will have a chance to see, hear and interact with her. As a part of the 82nd Diocesan Convention she will lead a panel discussion on youth and violence starting at 6:00 PM on Friday November 8. On Saturday she will preach at the convention Eucharist at 9:30 AM. Both of these are open to the public and you are encouraged to attend.
This year's convention will be held at Asbury First Methodist Church, 1050 East Ave. Visit the convention website for information on events and parking.
The Presiding Bishop will also be preaching at St. John's, Canadaigua on Sunday, November 10 and and receiving The Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell Award from Hobart and William Smith Colleges at 3 PM at the Scandling Campus Center. The award ceremony is open to the public.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Provincial Council
St. John's is well represented on Provincial Council for Province II of the Episcopal Church. Our Rector. Dahn Gandell as the clergy representative from Executive Council and Neil Houghton as lay representative serve on this group. In the structure of the Episcopal Church there are 9 Provinces, each a grouping of dioceses. Province II includes the dioceses in New York, New Jersey, The US Virgin Islands, Haiti and the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.
One presentation was given by Stephanie Spellers, Canon for Missional Development in the Diocese of Long Island. She talked about training people in various models of organizing to apply for funding. Missional Enterprise Zones and New Church Plants. In accordance with General Convention Resolution A073 the Episcopal Church has set aside $2,000,000 for these purposes.
Neil asked that specific ways in which small towns and rural churches can take advantage of this be identified.
The Provincial Council is discussing strategies to offer training for this.
One presentation was given by Stephanie Spellers, Canon for Missional Development in the Diocese of Long Island. She talked about training people in various models of organizing to apply for funding. Missional Enterprise Zones and New Church Plants. In accordance with General Convention Resolution A073 the Episcopal Church has set aside $2,000,000 for these purposes.
Neil asked that specific ways in which small towns and rural churches can take advantage of this be identified.
The Provincial Council is discussing strategies to offer training for this.
The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers |
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Blessing Of The Animals
Last Sunday we had our annual blessing of the Animals. It is held each year on the Sunday closest to the the Feast of St. Francis.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Iconic Photo leads to Marriage at St. John's
On Friday, October 4, Sgt Brandon Morgan and Dalan Wells were married at St. John's. At this small ceremony, The Rev. Dahn Dean Gandell, pronounced them legally married at 11:21 AM. The ceremony was witnessed by the Dalan's father, David Wells, our parish administrator and Neil Houghton and Kyle Craword, parishioners, who signed the legal documents.
Dalan and Brandon are the subjects of a photograph that went viral in February, 2012, shortly after the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban was lifted by President Obama is executive order.
Dalan and Brandon are the subjects of a photograph that went viral in February, 2012, shortly after the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban was lifted by President Obama is executive order.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Initial Report on "Re-Imagining" the Episcopal Church Released.
An initial report from the group charged to investigate structure in the Episcopal Church has been released. Read it here.
Comments from a parishioner, Neil Houghton, Deputy to General Convention in 2012 and member of Provincial Council:
Comments from a parishioner, Neil Houghton, Deputy to General Convention in 2012 and member of Provincial Council:
A first read of this document leaves me hopeful and concerned. The basic premises of moving to a more localized structure are hopeful. They reflect, in simpler terms, that all politics is local. Yes "politics" is a word we are uncomfortable with, but our polity is what separates us from many other Christians (denominational or not) and has made changes in the Episcopal Church more responsive to the shift in cultural understanding of minorities.
All politics may be said to be local, but that speaks to implementation. I read and am encouraged by words like "collaboration." While implementation may differ in various localities, I fear that allowing this to be applied to its extreme will result in a "states rights" mentality of what it means to be Episcopalian. We have seen what that has lead to in US governance. Applications of socially progressive policies blocked, slowed and reversed.
Making our leadership too “lean” may be penny wise and pound foolish. Structures that allow the development of replicable programs must be maintained. Especially in the most vulnerable of small parishes, the lack of resources to do not allow them to think “outside the box.” Without those resources and support, there is little possibility of growth and more reason for the status quo to reign in an environment where a small group of active, well meaning people avoid change.
The other danger in a leadership that is pared down too far, is the control which one small group or even one person can wield with impunity.
It is clear that as we re-imagine our structure, we must be nimble but also safeguard the dignity of every human being.
Neil Houghton, St. John's Honeoeye Falls, NY
Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
GC 2009 and 2012 L4
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A First Posting
St. John's has moved to a newway of maintaining a web presence. Using E-Blogger allows authorized users to quickly post information and readers to subscribe via RSS feed and receive email notices that the blog has been updated.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
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