St. John's Picture Strip

St. John's Picture Strip

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Joy at St. John's: Y'all Come Back!

The joy and hope of the resurrection was felt at St. John's this Easter Sunday.  It was strengthened by a large congregation!  We can be a so much more effective presence of Christ presence in the world when we come together.  Our joy and hope is magnified exponentially.  So this congregant's Easter messages is what father Dan said, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, Love!" with an added "Y'all come back, hear?"


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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Moving Forward: A New Rector and Strategic Plans


St. John's is in the process of finding a Priest to lead us forward.  We are hopeful and excited and realistic.  We have been working on SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Sensitive. No leader will make a huge difference without the energy and buy-in of the congregation.  That must be clearly communicated or we will not attract anyone unless they know that there is no expectation that they will work alone, to work miracles.  "It takes a village," or in this case a parish.

There are many who already give of their time, talent and treasure.  There are many poised to be asked.  There are those whose physical, mental, and family demand limitations prevent them from doing more than they already do.  We understand that. There are some who make the choice to not be involved more than they do.  As to this last group, we must ask ourselves, "Why?"  Is there anything that we as a community of faith can do to engage them?

Strategic Planning will help us to answer this question and many more.  The Search Committee has started the process, now the whole congregation needs to be involved.  Strategic planning sets goals, not just for our new priest, but for our congregation.  Let's "do this thing" and do it together.

St. John's and the Episcopal Church as a whole, has a great opportunity, a Great Commandment, to be Christ in the World and in our local community in particular.  We have the responsibility to share our Anglican ethos of Scripture, Tradition and Reason informing our understanding of what Jesus wants us to be and do.

- Neil Houghton, Member of Diocesan Standing Committee,
                            Deputy to General Convention 2009-20015