St. John's Picture Strip

St. John's Picture Strip

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Bishop is Coming! The Bishop is Coming!

On December 15th Bishop Singh will make his annual visit to St. John's.  If you or anyone you know wished to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church or received from another denomination, please see Mother Dahn.

Presiding Bishop Visits Diocesan Convention 11/8-9

Every Sunday we pray for Katharine, or more precisely The Most Rev, Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal  Church.

Next weekend you will have a chance to see, hear and interact with her. As a part of the 82nd Diocesan Convention she will lead a panel discussion on youth and violence starting at 6:00 PM on Friday November 8.  On Saturday she will preach at the convention Eucharist at 9:30 AM.  Both of these are open to the public and you are encouraged to attend.

This year's convention will be held at Asbury First Methodist Church, 1050 East Ave.  Visit the convention website for information on events and parking.

The Presiding Bishop will also be preaching at St. John's, Canadaigua on Sunday, November 10 and and receiving The Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell Award from Hobart and William Smith Colleges at 3 PM at the Scandling Campus Center.  The award ceremony is open to the public.